Rhys Stover
Humor is Rhys Stover’s middle name. He believes comedy can sell anything. While studying at the University of Arizona School of Media Arts, he developed a passion for commercial production. During which he was the Production Director of the UofA’s 2009 National Student Advertising Competition team. After graduating, Rhys plans to move to New York City to begin a producing career at a commercial production company.
Snickers Saves: Blow Dart [ clip ]
An Employee accidentally sneezes into a blow dart gun, shooting an arrow at his Boss’s who fortunately brought a Snickers bar to work.
Glade: Clean Linens
A man sprays his dirty living room with the fresh scent of Glade confusing his girlfriend into thinking he washed the laundry.
Monster.com: Coffee Pot
An overzealous office employee goes too far when celebrating his company’s quarterly earnings.
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